HOME > News
- 2023.11.10
- Management
- Notice of Disposal of Treasury Shares through Private Placement
Due to Introduction of Employee Stock Ownership Plan (J-ESOP)
- 2023.09.29
- Management
- Notice of Dissolution of a Sub-subsidiary Overseas
- 2023.09.15
- Management
- Briefing on Results for the first half Fiscal Year 2023 is available
- 2023.09.15
- Management
- Summary of Financial Statements (Consolidated) for Second Quarter of the Fiscal Year Ending December 31, 2023 is available
- 2023.08.25
- Management
- Company Research and Analysis Report(FISCO) is available
- 2023.07.04
- Management
- CAC REPORT 2023(Abridged Integrated Report FY2022) is available
- 2023.06.27
- Management
- Notice of Posting of Gain on Sale of Investment Securities (Extraordinary Income)
- 2023.06.21
- Management
- Basic AI Policies of CAC Group