CAC Holdings Corporation

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Compliance/Risk management

At the CAC Group, we believe that the strong awareness of our corporate social and public responsibilities and the actions we take to strengthen social understanding and trust leads to our sustainable development.
To increase our sense of morality and our sincerity as a corporate entity, we have established our policies and systems on compliance and risk management and are striving to maintain these policies and systems.


At the CAC Group, we define compliance as “increasing our sense of morality and our sincerity as a corporate entity by complying strictly with laws, regulations, rules and social norms.” Based on Five Values, we have formulated the Basic Guidelines for Business Conduct for Compliance of the overall Group. We have made it our basic compliance policy to establish a system for promoting compliance and to take actions to promote compliance.
In our system for promoting compliance, we have established a Compliance Control Division, which is a division in charge of legal compliance, under the Chief Compliance Officer (CCO), who is appointed by the Board of Directors.
The CCO supervises the Compliance Control Division, which engages in activities related to compliance, including planning, training, supervision and improvements.
We have also introduced the Compliance Helpline System (a whistleblowing system), which permits employees of the CAC Group to respond appropriately to compliance violations or potential compliance violations that they discover. We operate this system both within and outside the Group.
As our basic policy for eliminating anti-social forces, we at the CAC Group will not be involved at all with any forces or groups that threaten social order and safety, will firmly reject demands from such forces or groups, and will not undertake any trade with any companies, groups or individuals related to such forces or groups.

CAC Group’s system for promoting compliance

CAC Group’s system for promoting compliance

Risk Management

In business activities, a company faces not only risks generated in its external business environment but also internal risks that exist within the company.
The CAC Group needs to handle these risks appropriately to maintain and keep improving its corporate value.
At the CAC Group, we have established the Risk Management Principles as basic rules on risk management.
The Risk Management Principles clarify the guiding principle, action guidelines, and risks to manage (such as risks related to disaster, employment, information security, project management and compliance), along with the system to promote the management of these risks.
As the system for promoting the appropriate identification, assessment and handling of risks, we have established the Risk Management Division under the Chief Risk Officer (CRO).

Initiatives for dealing with material risks (as of December 31, 2020)

Major risks that may have a significant impact on the Group’s management and operating results are as follows.
Recognizing the possibility that such risks may materialize, the Group endeavors to prevent them from occurring and appropriately deals with them in the event that they do materialize.

Risks Impact on the Group Countermeasures
tough competitive
Failure to acquire projects will lead to a loss
from fewer working hours for personnel and a
deterioration in profits from projects.
  • Collection of information and monitoring regarding customers, market trends, competitors, etc.
  • Reinforcement of sales capabilities
on specific
customers and
industrial sectors
Changes in IT investment and management
environment of the specific customers and
industrial sectors that make up the majority of
the Group’s sales will make the Group’s business
results highly volatile.
  • Constant understanding of customer trends
  • Development of new customers
of overseas
Politics and the economy, foreign exchange
movements, legal restrictions, commercial
practice, social turmoil, etc. in each country exert
an adverse influence over the Group’s overseas
business activities.
  • Collection of information on politics, the economy, social situation, etc. of each country
  • Maintenance of systems that ensure smooth contact with overseas bases
In the event that capital invested in acquired/
portfolio companies is not recoverable or that
additional costs are incurred, it will have an adverse
impact on the Group’s operating results, business
development, etc.
  • Ensuring of preliminary examinations and reviews
  • Formation of standards for business acquisition and capital contribution and those for withdrawal
  • Strengthening of post-merger integration (PMI) process
COVID-19 The slowdown of economic activity due to the
state of emergency declarations and lockdowns
has an impact on finances, management results
and other aspects.
  • Thoroughly preventing infections
  • Business continuity by having employees work from home and holding meetings online
Value of assets
A decline in the value of investment securities and
other assets held will have an adverse impact on the
Group’s operating results and financial situation.
  • Monitoring of asset value
  • Prompt decision making on whether to continue holding the assets based on a policy on holding assets
Securing and
fostering of
human resources
Failure to secure and foster excellent human
resources as planned will have an adverse impact
on the Group’s business promotion.
  • Appropriate and effective hiring activities, personnel training
  • Improving the corporate brand and creating an attractive workplace
Technology Information
Loss, destruction, leakage, etc. of confidential
information will lead to a decline in, or loss of, social
confidence and/or liability for damages.
  • Development of a policy, administrative procedures, etc. for information management
  • Training of all employees on information management
  • Security measures
Excess time spent on development and work will
raise the cost of sales ratio.
  • Detailed examination of each project prior to receiving an order
  • Monitoring of each project by specialized departments
Suspension of
System failure, natural disaster, etc. that
disables the provision of systems operation and
management services or human resources BPO
services will have an adverse impact on the Group’s
operating results.
  • Formation of a business continuity plan (BCP) and training and education